When you fish, especially fly fish,, you have, in my in my opinion, certain responsibilities...both to your fellow fly fishermen and to the environment in which you fish.
With your fellow fly fisherman, it is simple. Apply the "Golden Rule"...treats others as you would like to be treated. Give others room to fish (especially if they were there first), be mindful of the noise and "commotion" you cause, wade way around people whenever know...the way you would like others to behave on the water. Simple...
With respect to the environment, it is not quite so simple. Mankind...that's you and me...not just the people who came before us has done and continues to do serious harm to our planet. Whether it is the air, the water or the soil, we all have a serious responsibility to not only not do more damage but to do all we can reasonably do to help repair the damage that was done before us. It can be simple...haul out everything you brought in (including fishing lines and tippet) and whenever possible pickup anything you find that Mother Nature did not put there.
It is the conservation groups that do the "heavy lifting". Without even thinking about it I can name hundreds of places that have been either protected from harm or, in some cases, brought back from virtual death by organizations like Trout Unlimited. I will bet that almost wherever you fish there is a fly fishing club, conservation group or both that are working to make sure your river or lake is still healthy when your kids and grandkids are ready to pick up a fly rod. If you really want to make a difference, it is these conservation groups and clubs you should support.
So, What's New...
Bucket Biology Gone Wrong by Ted Williams (Chairman of the NAtive Fish Coalition) published in American Angler
...Native ecosystems have been destroyed, native fish displaced and imperiled. In Montana alone, there have been about 600 confirmed illegal fish introductions in at least 250 waters.
To read here...