Fly Reel Manufacturers:
See the bottom of page for explanation of codes used
Galvan -
Alpen -
Sage -
Nautilus -
Lamson -
Orvis -
Tibor -
Hardy -
Hatch -
Loop -
Douglas -
Bozeman -
Echo -
Cheeky -
Goture -
Islander -
Okuma -
Pflueger -
Piscifun -
Taylor -
USA SD 4$-7$
USA SD 5$-7$
USA SD 5$-7$
USA 4$-7$
DIR 3$
USA SD 3$-7$
USA 3$-7$
USA SD 2$-7$
SD 2$-7$
USA SD 6$-7$
SD 4$-7$
USA SD 6$-7$+++
SD 6$-7$+++
SD 5$-7$
SD 2$-4$
SD 1$-3$
SD/DIR 2$-7$
SD/DIR 5$-7$
SD/DIR 3$-5$
SD 3$-6$
DIR 1$-2$
Canada DIR 7$+++
MASS 1$-3$
MASS 1$-2$
DIR 4$-6$
Key to codes used:
USA - Made in the USA
How sold:
SD - Specialty/Select Dealers (fly shops)
DIR - Direct from mfr.
MASS - Everywhere/Anywhere
1$ - less than $50
2$ - $50-100
3$ - $100-200
4$ - $200-300
5$ - $300-400
6$ - $400-500
7$ - $500+
Note: the price ranges may vary somewhat but these are the prices found on either the manufacturers site or its primary dealers. I did not consider ebay or Amazon as items found there are often either used or older models.
It appears to me that several of these mfrs. will occasionally use Amazon. Perhaps to sell older models or over-stock.